It's three o'clock. You're sleepy. You can't concentrate. Your energy level is at an all-time low. All you can think about is that candy bar in the back of your desk drawer or taking another hit of caffeine. The afternoon blahs have hit.
Healthy snacks to cure the snack attack
Microwaved low-fat popcorn
Saltine or whole wheat crackers with peanut butter
Fresh fruits, either plain or with cheese
One half of a whole wheat bagel topped with peanut butter or hummus
One cup of low-fat yogurt with two tablespoons whole grain cereal
Carrot and pepper strips with low-fat salad dressing
Sunflower or pumpkin seeds
Mixed nuts and dried fruit
Fresh fruit yogurt smoothie
Avoid shovel-eating. Instead of a pile of potato chips overloaded with calories and fat, try an orange for a quick energy fix and vitamin C for later. Whole-grain foods, such as a muffin, stick to your ribs longer than a candy bar and will help you avoid the post-sugar energy plunge.
Oh, if only it didn't take will power to be thin and beautiful! (*sigh*) I'll stay fat and yucky, I'm afraid.
Love this!! One of my faves is hummus!! I am returning to eating healthy and already feel better!! Thanks for this great suggestions!!
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