A. The Poplar Tom and Jerry Show.
B. Benjamin Franklin named it after Thomas Jefferson when he would not
allow it to be the national.
C. A tom cat. Wild turkeys were just like wild cats back then. They would roam
around and get into fights all the time.
2.) How many degrees can a turkey see with its eyes.
A. 360 degrees
B. 100 degrees
C. 270 degrees
D. 90 degrees
3) The original Thanksgiving lasted how long?
A. 2 months
B. 14 days
C. 7 days
D. 3 days
4) Do Turkeys have heart attacks?
A. Yes
B. No
How Smart Are You??
Answers on blog Thursday..
Just stopping by to say Happy Thanksgiving.
Hugs, Rhondi
Hello, I'm so happy you found my new blog! It looks like you are fairly new as well so "Welcome". Thank you for your kind compliments on my tablescape. I do appreciate it. Your grandsons are precious. Look at those gorgeous baby blues! Please come and visit me anytime. You're always welcome! Warmly, Melissa :)
Thank you for your sweet compliments on my christmas decorating! I really appreciate it. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving, your grandsons are really cute, like Melissa said, those eyes are gorgeous! Kristen
Just stopped by to say HI and Happy Thanksgiving. I think I found you from April's blog!
Thank you so much for dropping by my blog. Hope you've had a Happy Thanksgiving, as well. Please know that you're welcome to come back anytime for a visit...I love getting to know new people!
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