The Grands

The Grands

About Me

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Deep South, United States
First I am a mother of two sons, Chad 35 and Ryan 32. Through these beautiful sons, I have been blessed with two beautiful daughter-in-laws, Kelli and Erin. As a result of these beautiful wives comes three beautiful grands, Connor first and the only one for fives years. Then, Kelli and Chad blessed me with another beautiful grandson, Cooper, who is now three. Ryan and Erin blessed me with my first granddaughter, Presley, and now Presley has brother, Harper, who is 2. My blog is really all about family. The reason I chose Magnolia Memories as my blog title is I am from Mississippi! I love Magnolia's. Memories is something that I make everyday. I still have my mother who will be 89 on her birthday in April. My life is centered around my beautiful family. Life is GOOD!

Friday, January 14, 2011


Where do you go when you become totally lost???? I have always been a religious person. But today I am just really not sure of who or what I am..For the last six months I have been upside down..It has just been one horrible thing after the other. Lost job, unable to collect unemployment from the company which I went to work for..This I knew but the lady that run the non-profit organization cut my hours..I had been let go at the radio station in July 2009. I received my unemployment from the station. Because I chose not to take the hours that she was going to give me which was not full-time hours I just quit.She was able to block me from drawing the money that I had left over from the radio station..Yes, so now I have nothing coming in..Christmas was the hardest with my GRANDS..A great friend allowed me to work in her shop for gifts. Thank you Jeanne..A deer ran into the side of my car Halloween night..I had to use the check to pay rent and utilities bills.My car will never be fixed.Does anyone know of anywhere that I can get assistance with my rent..I am getting food stamps..God I truly believe knew just the right time for the deer to come to my path..I am just sooooo sure that GOD has truly given up on me..Please leave me some scriptures or a note..Needing help!! Are you someone that can help me..Put me in the right direction for help.....



Read Philippians 4:6 and 7....

"Be careful (or anxious) for nothing, but in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made know unto God.

And the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

He knows what you are going through and will never leave you nor forsake you...

Praying you will have peace through Him...He is able!!


Claudia said...

There must be some social service agency that could direct you to some organization that offers assistance.

I hope and pray that aid and assistance and peace come your way. I am aware of so many who are struggling - we are also trying to make ends meet.

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Dear Magnolia,
Tonight I happened to see your blog that is listed in my sidebar and thought she hasn't post in so long,
and then I saw you posted just a week ago. I rarely use the list on my
sidebar to go to anyones blog since
they come up on my dashboard, so think it must have been the Lord.

My heart just broke for you as I read all you are going thru. I am not sure what to say, but
I just couldn't go to bed without letting you know that my hubby and I are gonna be praying for you every day, as my hubby has been laid off for 8 months too. So we understand your situation to some extent.

Just wanted you to know if you don't that someone cares and also that God cares, He has not given up on you hon. If we belong to Him, he says He will never leave us and He will never forsake us, and even when we feel like He isn't there he is. Cry out to Him, read his word, pray, pray, and pray!!
The scriptures say Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8.
Do you attend a church?? If so, you should be able to go to your deacons and maybe that can help you.
Will be praying for the Lord to give you His peace and that He will meet your needs.
I am actually doing a post every Monday about going thru adversity.
Here are 2 verses the Lord has given to us.
Seek first the kingdom of God and
His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

and the other is in Proverbs 11:28
He who trusts in his riches will fall, But the righteous will flourish like the green leaf.

Hope it helps to know you are not alone and that someone does care.
and hope things are looking up by now. We'll sure be praying.

If you would like to talk more privately, I have a place on my sidebar where you can contact me by email.

Blessings Hon, Nellie

The Star Gal said...

Why is that we always say we trust the Lord...until something bad happens in our personal lives. Suddenly we feel as though he has forgotten about us...or doesn't care for us anymore...we all do it.
I always try to remember the trials that I've had earlier in my life and how he did eventually bring me through. Bottom line is we just have to have "faith" to believe that our God does not make mistakes...and that even though we all WILL go thru tribulations here on this earth...he has promised us that those of us who endure until the end will be made whole. So, hang in there little chickadee and remember that after the rain the sun always shines again.

Love in Christ,


black and white bedroom said...

Magnolia Memories 08
Good stuff! I presume your trusty audience may possibly want further writing of this nature. Maintain the good effort!

Anonymous said...

nice stuff...
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