Just wanted to share a few things this morning..Maybe get some
things off my chest..I have been blogging on and off for over a year
now..I post things that I feel are interesting or maybe just things
that I like to share..I just don't know how to get traffic coming to
my blog..I look at blogs that have hundreds of followers..Yes I did get
a new follower today!!!!! I have had forty nine followers forever..I am so
thankfullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll for them..Please tell me if you
have any suggestions about my blog..Is it just not attractive enough??? Is it
I just don't post interesting topics????? Please help me out...OPEN FOR ANY
SUGGESTIONS>>>Have a great day......
The Grands

About Me
- Magnolia Memories08
- Deep South, United States
- First I am a mother of two sons, Chad 35 and Ryan 32. Through these beautiful sons, I have been blessed with two beautiful daughter-in-laws, Kelli and Erin. As a result of these beautiful wives comes three beautiful grands, Connor first and the only one for fives years. Then, Kelli and Chad blessed me with another beautiful grandson, Cooper, who is now three. Ryan and Erin blessed me with my first granddaughter, Presley, and now Presley has brother, Harper, who is 2. My blog is really all about family. The reason I chose Magnolia Memories as my blog title is I am from Mississippi! I love Magnolia's. Memories is something that I make everyday. I still have my mother who will be 89 on her birthday in April. My life is centered around my beautiful family. Life is GOOD!
Oh sweetie, you have a beautiful blog. I wonder the same things alot of times...and can get a bit frustrated. You have wonderful posts,... keep posting darling I personally love visiting, ( when I find the time)things are always on a roller coaster around here. How are things your way? We now have terrible winds, and drifting snow....I'm sure you're much colder your way... had to keep the shop closed today, couldn't get in or out of the lane..lol so lots of time to play..hugs darling ~lynne~
Don't get discouraged. I came here because you visited my blog (thank you). Otherwise I'd have never know you were here. Bella is adorable and now—you have another follower! So just keep on keeping on. If you like photos (and obviously you do because I looked back at your blog and you do a great job with photos), visit some of my photo-friends. The more you visit your followers and theirs, the more who will eventually come your way. I say that—I don't have a lot of followers, but I do love those I have!
I see you got your falling snow effect, so pretty against your dark background.. I just sent you an email with the enclosed link...hugs ~lynne~
Your blog is lovely. It takes time to build up followers. One tip I do have is to take part in 'events' that other bloggers host. I took part in a few this year and because they brought more traffic to my blog, I got some more followers. You could visit other blogs - like photo blogs, or decorating blogs, or take part in a swap...
I deliberately chose to take part in the ones I did this year to get my blog out there. And I met a lot of wonderful bloggers1
Hi, you have a lovely blog. I have been blogging for over two years now and I know how frustrating it is sometimes. Remember that not all followers comment and not all comments are from regular followers. What I like to do is go to my profile, click in on an interest of mine and surf other blogs that match up. Then if you like someone's blog, follow or comment on it, just like you did today. Now you have several new followers. Try not to get discouraged, sometimes good things do happen to those who wait. Take care. Susan
Hey Hon!
First of thanks so much for coming over to my own little blog! and you wonderful comments!
You have always been such a sweetheart!
I dont have many followers either, but I kind of reevaluated to myself, why was I even doing it?
I guess its more of a place to just put things out there...so I can see where I am going .. and where I have been!
I read on a blog today that if you post some goals on your blog, you will feel more obligated to see them out! I may try that.. LOL
Sometimes I think I am too shy to even have anyone read mine at all! But I just push myself to at least get something down "On Paper" per say.
Hope you have a great year!!! I Know I am! Lets stay in touch!
Vikki, I've missed you at Pink Saturday.
I've added myself at one of your followers, and I hope you will follow my blog, too.
My best advice is to get out and visit and leave comments asking them to visit you. Be persistent.
I just stopped by because I was checking out some of the people who follow my blog and saw that you were one of the first to follow my blog (I so appreciate you doing that). I thought I would stop by and see what you have been up to. I know what you mean about the number of followers, it can kind of mess with your self esteem if you let it. I sign up occasionally with a linky party to get more people to stop by and I have gotten most of my followers that way. Then I decided I need to stop relying on them to give me a sense of self worth. Don't get me wrong, I love to get comments but the best thing to happen is that I have made a few very good friends who comment regularly.
I know it can get frustrating, especially when certain bloggers get 500 or more comments on a simple post about her brother calling to wish her a happy birthday. I'm sure there are some who have gotten caught up in the "popularity contest" and feel the need to comment only on the blogs that have the largest following. In short, my suggestion would to be to choose about 10 blogs that really inspire you and comment as often as you can. As far as the numbers go, be a duck and let the water roll off of your back. (I don't know why I haven't put you in my blog inspiration section before but you will be going in as soon as I am done catching up on your blog)
Have a wonderful day!
I'm sure you're much colder your way...
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