from over at How Sweet The Sound.Please
stop over at her blog to visit all the
other links to this fun filled Pink Day.
You will meet new friends. This is an
exciting day. Enjoy visiting everything
in Pink.
These items are listed as the worst pink
products ever.
That's absolutely a worthy cause, but we still think it's weird for companies to think that they can get women to buy more just by coming out with pink versions of their products.

Hot Pink Glock A girly Glock, for all your shootin'
Hey Gal,
I am definitely not a pink kind of gal unless it is clothes and then it's usually fuschia or pale pink. My home is earthtones...guess I'm just one of those earthy girls. I do like touches of pink but could never have it as the dominant color.
I do like a couple of these pink things, though!!
Cute post!!
Blessings and joy,
This was cute to look at especially the pink knives -- O my! I'm not a pink girl at all. I don't own one pink thing except the clothing on a stuffed animal :)
Bless you dear sister and have a wonderful weekend.
Some of the pink I could live with like the camera or the toolkit...but the pink in the kitchen would not fit in here! LOL
Breast cancer sure has helped Pink Saturday people.
I am NOT believing a pink gun!!! And all the other stuff you listed!
I'm like you...does NOT make me want to run out and buy any of them!! (well, maybe the camera..)
Thanks so much for the great post today. I just ♥ traveling from blog to blog...the photos, the crafts, the ideas...too fun!
Yours was especially fun this week. Thank you!
See you next week!
Pink just automatically makes things cute!!
I love the color pink ... But don't decorate with it at all. Love the cottage look though and that usually means lots o pink! :)
Have a great Pink Saturday!
Some things are definitely not nice in pink.
Happy pink Saturday. Riet
I have to admit that I have the Pink utensils for cooking but it was for a great cause...curing cancer and I'll buy anything that is for that! LOL!
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday
Deanna :D
The pink gun is sick and wrong! Just like the Hello Kitty rifle I've seen around!! What are people thinking!!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ HAPPY PINK SATURDAY ♥
I just have to say that I am sure there are several places and homes that would love all of that. I sadly am not a pink person in the home, but still love the color. Happy Pink Saturday, Char
Great post, it's simulair to mine! Great minds...
Thank you for sharing!
Happy Pink Saturday!
I love pink, but you're right, maybe not a pink gun or pink tools! Happy Pink Saturday!
Some things a girl can definatly live without even if it is pink.
Happy Pink Saturday.
I love all your pink stuff.. And Bellah is so cute...
oh I love your blog and all the pink things... so fun!! Have a great evening!!
I love all the pink stuff...except the gun, the guitar, and the coffee pot. Those are a "bit much". Cute post!!
Those pinks are hilarious! I really liked the pink gun, even tho I don't even have one, or know how to shoot one. I loved all those pinks. I must be weird! Happy pink day!
Yes, some of those are pretty hideous. Do they think every woman needs a handgun?
I do like the pink coffeemaker. Actually I like them in any color as long as the coffee is good.
I like everything but the gun, I hate guns of any color.
Happy Pink Saturday,
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