going on that somehow you feel like you cannot
cope anymore??? Well that is where my life is today.
I ask anyone that may stumble upon my blog
to take a few minutes and pray for me.As I looked
on the web this morning at so many books that I
thought may help in my life, I came across Through
the Eyes of the Heart. Has anyone ever read this book??
If so please let me know.Thank you for stooping by
today.I'm trying very hard to get on the right path

Spiritual Self Help Book
"Through the Eyes of the Heart" ...
Incredible conscious self awareness, genuine self help, personal self growth,
peace, healing and true happiness.
If you are lost, sad or confused about ...
what you are experiencing in life, what you are not experiencing in life,
the feelings you are having or the feelings you are not having ...
If you aren't feeling peace - feeling fulfilled - feeling the beauty of your soul ...
or if you're just not sure where or what to search for ... this book has something very special for you.
If you are sincerely looking for the truth ... it is time for you to know.
If you are seeking spiritual enlightenment and not sure what will serve you best ... it is time to be sure.
All true paths to happiness, feeling good, enlightenment and wisdom ...
will always guide you into taking a closer and more honest look at yourself.
Why? Because everything that is unfolding in your life ... is showing you something about yourself.
Picture by Sean Fitzgibbon and Kristiana Hutagaol
"Through the Eyes of the Heart" is a life changing book and ebook that will show you how to have peace.
It holds deep empowering heartfelt wisdom and knowing that you can connect with and use on your own.
What is written in its pages can accompany and enhance any belief you now hold ...
because this book is not about your religion or spiritual practices -
it is about you, what you are creating in your life and why -
and an incredible conscious self awareness to change it all.
The empowering words on its pages will guide you to experience something truly incredible in yourself.
And once you understand ... once you become aware ... your life will never be the same.
You will have the wisdom, the knowledge and the tools to experience true freedom.
Click here for comments from those who have read the book.
Happiness is yours when you come to understand your destiny lies in conscious self awareness,
Divine Love and the Law of Attraction. And as you truly come to understand this -
you will have found what you have been looking for.
Give yourself this gift of true insight, clarity and Christ consciousness.
Have the ability to change your life dramatically for the better in every way.
Get in touch with what you know deep inside, connect with your true feelings
and experience a powerful personal spiritual awakening.
You are taken into the depths of your own heart to find the truth about yourself and your life situations
and the consciousness you will experience is priceless.
Your life experiences are being created according to what's going on inside you.
This is why change begins with you ... along with your free will came the power of creation.
Once you understand - once you hold this incredible consciousness and self awareness ...
life will never be the same as it was. You will have the wisdom to make your life better in every way.
You can search the world for your answers but until you truly understand yourself,
the happiness, healing, inner wisdom and peace you seek will continually evade you.
For in truth, it is not the world you need to be searching ...
it is where your focus is taking you and why you are going there.
This is pure and true enlightenment.
Find the part of yourself so many of us have been searching for ... for a very long time.
Return to heartfelt knowing and conscious self awareness.
Take a look at yourself "Through the Eyes of the Heart"
and experience genuine enlightenment.
Know what is going on in your life situations and why.
See and understand how you have created what is in your life now .
Have the know-how to transform what you have been experiencing into the incredible.
I am Unity, a sensitive intuitive and empath and I would be honored
to show you how to connect with what you know deep inside by becoming consciously self aware.
This empowering insight and awareness is also available by personal and in group sessions.
'Cause and Effect' ... If the action you are taking or not taking never changes ...
the experience you are having will remain the same.
Many books and ebooks teach you about everything in life ...
This book teaches you about yourself, it explains why your life experiences are what they are,
it helps you re-discover and see yourself at a much deeper level,
and it clearly teaches the way to change the way you are experiencing life.
This is a life altering, life changing book. It was written by Unity with great Love,
in service to anyone searching for a clear path into their Divinity and true happiness.
If you don't feel good, have peace or happiness in any part of your life, this book is for you.
If you don't love yourself or you don't feel loved,
If you have low self esteem, if you feel lost, sad or confused,
if you worry about what others think or say about you, if you don't like your body,
if you don't have good health, if your worried about getting old,
worried about what's wrong or what isn't in your life, if you aren't happy in your job,
if you aren't happy in a partner relationship, if you don't have a relationship,
if you are being challenged in any relationship where you have to get along with another,
if you don't know which spiritual path, understanding and knowledge
serves you most or speaks the truth, then dear one ...
this book and the beautiful insight and wisdom it holds is for you.
Life change, happiness, feeling good and having the life experiences you desire are yours
when you become aware of how and what you are creating in your life.
“Greater in battle than the man who would conquer a thousand-thousand men,
is he who would conquer just one - himself.
Come and explore this awareness ... for this heartfelt adventure is truly all about you
and how you can create and experience your life beautifully.
Understand yourself on a much deeper level ...
gain the wisdom, the self awareness and insight to experience an incredible consciousness.
Have heartfelt wisdom you can truly change your life experiences with.
For what good is any information given, if you aren't given the way to experience what you truly desire?
This is self-empowerment at the highest level for those who really want to know for themselves.
"Through the Eyes of the Heart"
By Unity - Counselor of the Heart - Copyright © 2004 - 2006 UnityLove
To buy the Book or eBook holding this beautiful wisdom click the appropriate button below.
The cost for the Book is $19.99 plus shipping. The cost for the eBook is $13.99
Shipping cost inside the United States is $4.50.
Shipping cost outside the United States is $13.00.
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Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.
Who looks outside ... dreams. Who looks inside ... awakens!
Carl Jung
Thank you for sharing your beautiful energy with us.
Counselor of the Heart
Helping you understand how to experience your heart's desire in every way and in every area of life.
Open to the Love That You Truly Are and the celebration of what life can truly be.
© 2001 - 2008 Counselor of the Heart - All Rights Reserved.
Spiritual Counselor of the Heart and Advisor share the truth to empowerment in the
Spiritual Growth Book Through the Eyes of the Heart.
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I have not read this book, but I have my doubts that it can do what it promises. The Bible is the only book that I know of that has the answers to life's problems. Do you have a minister you can turn to? A close friend? Family member? If you email me, I'll "talk" with you.
smilingsal55 AT yahoo DOT com
I don't read self help books so I can't help you there but I will say a prayer for you. I well know the feeling of being overwhelmed but we can only do one thing at a time and I learned to give up worrying a long time ago. I was a true worrywart but I learned to stop worrying about things that you have no control over.
I hope your worries are not medical ones...I'll be thinking of you today.
I haven't read it either, but I agree...God is the only one that empowers us. Through His glory we are brought out of darkness. I am praying for you.
Is: 40;28-31
The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He give strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. 31: but those whose hope is in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. I will be here as well if you want to chat. funkybagfreak@gmail.com
The BIBLE is the ONLY book that can help you...and JESUS is the ONLY way to that help.
We'll be praying for you...and feel free to email us at mi_jt@yahoo.com if you wish to.
Stop by and take a look at the COME TO JESUS site...
Or contact a minister, priest, pastor of a church.
But, please do something now!
You can NOT fix this by yourself. But, you and GOD can!!
Jan & Tom
Hi Vikki,
Just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
I just said one for you.
Vicki, How are you today? I hope things are better for you. Take care...Mary
I don't know you very well Vikki as we just connected but it broke my heart to read your post.
I hope today is a better day for you....I'll keep you in my prayers.
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